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Building Your Wardrobe & Getting The Most Out Of Your Cash

Odds are, if you're reading this blog post, you enjoy fashion and your wardrobe is important to you. Don't worry, we're totally in this together. I can proudly say I'm now into my 30's and expecting a baby (very soon), so let's just say, my priorities have not only shifted when it comes to my wardrobe but my buying patterns have changed dramatically. I guess you could say I've matured. :) I'm now shopping way less and focusing on pieces that will bring me true happiness, ones that I truly need.  In my twenties, I spent a crazy amount of cash on the latest trends and pieces that weren't exactly strategic. The ratio from tops to anything else was a whopping 9 to...

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5 Fall Must-Haves on the Fashion Truck

Overspending. It happens to us all, but let me tell you, it doesn't go down as often as it used to. When I was a young pup, it seemed as though I spent every dime I earned on fashion. When I was in my early 20's, I would go to town on trendy pieces, only to donate them a few months later. Don't get me wrong, I love to help people and charities, but I found my careless spending wasn't doing anything for me or my future. As I've grown older and a little wiser, (I'm approaching 30, welp), I've become more selective when it comes to fashion. I have a husband to think about and I know having children...

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